Partner authentication service

For strong partner authentication, we provide a specialized partner login service that utilizes modern Challenge-Response authentication with RSA keys for individual partner accounts. With successful login, partners are provided with a short-lived API token for other services of our IT landscape.

Technical Protocol Information

The challenge response authentication scheme is based on the RSA crypto algorithm. Partners who want to implement the FabuMobAuth protocol should familiarize themselves with the RSA crypto scheme and the structure of their key. In particular, it needs to be understood what the public parameters e and n are, as well as how RSA encrypted messages can be recovered by applying the private decryption parameter d.

The following describes the flow of the authentication service as a reference for our partners' IT departments to implement.

Technical configuration

Please contact your sales partner at Fabulous Mobility to get your access with the Partner service configured. In order to facilitate this process, create an RSA public-private keypair of sufficient length (at least 2k) and submit a PKCS#10 CSR to your sales partner. This way we can perform your request as soon as possible. You will be able to recognize that your certificate has been issued an integrated by looking at the certificate list that is offered by the FabuMobAuth service (see protocol description above).

Please use our text-based authentication server at